Thursday, July 16, 2009

28 and Engaged

I always imagined myself proposing in an elaborate and romantic way. So, when I look back on the way I did it, I'm somewhat embarrassed. It’s Friday night and my girlfriend of 5 years and I, are returning from grocery shopping. I look over and I see the most beautiful woman I have ever met who makes me feel happier then I could have ever imagined. My entire body starts to get warm and I don't think and just react to my impulse and ask her to marry me. She turns her head to face me and has a look of disbelief, I make sure to add that I was "for real". She says yes. Now I'm 28 and engaged.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing as though you are my age and engaged I am going to be living through you so, lets get planning this wedding shall we. I mean since I might or might not ever get married I need someone to have that happiness that we all tend to search for and some like yourself are very lucky to find. I'm not going to tell you to hold on tight because we don't want you smoothering her and then ended up being alone.

    I want you to remember one thing if you forget anything else and begin to loose your way, that in order for you to get through any thing at any time you have to be open and honest and let her see your soul and in the end she will do the same. Never be too afraid to communicate your fears, dreams, desires, wants, needs, and most of all the love you have for each other and if you do that it will take you a long way. Because you then will have discovered what it takes to be equals. Because you never want to be perfect, that doesn't exist in a marriage, honesty, committment, and happiness does.

